

Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology

Seminars / Workshop / Lectures


A multi discipline Indoor Sports Meet was organized by Sports Club of Dr. SSBUICET on 18th February 2018 in the DSW Common Room. The games involved were Carrom, Chess and Table Tennis

  Dated: 07/09/2018
1. 04/06/2020Webinar on “Product Portfolio Management:An Insight into Pharmaceutical Industry”
2. 03/06/2020International Webinar on “Fungal Infestation in the environment and the possible health implications post-COVID-19 pandemic: The path forward
3. 01/06/2020DrSSBUICET is organising a webinar on the topic “The Art and Science of Managing Projects” on June 02,2020 at 11:00 am.
4. 25/05/2020Webinar on Bone Health & Covid-19 by Prof. Sanjay Kumar Bhadada, PGIMR, Chandigarh
5. 23/05/2020Webinar on Talent Practices in the Post Digital Age
6. 25/04/2020Solid Modeling and Visualization using AutoCAD
7. 06/01/2020Ph.D. viva voce of Ms.Amandeep Kaur on 14th January, 2019 at Seminar Room, Dr SSBUICET, PU, Chandigarh
8. 12/09/2019Last date for abstract submission: September 14th , 2019 for the One Day National Seminar on Food Security & Sustainable Development
9. 06/09/2019one day National Seminar on "Food Security and Sustainable Development" on 19th September, 2019
10. 02/05/2019Ph.D. viva voce of Mr. Usman ALi on 13th May, 2019 at Seminar Room, Dr SSBUICET, PU, Chandigarh
11. 06/03/2019Faculty Development Programme on Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Research under TEQIP-III at Dr. SSB University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
12. 25/10/2018Seminar on Communication Skills
13. 17/10/2018Placement of B.E. (Chemical)-MBA 5th Year Batch 2018-19 (Dated 15.10.2018)
14. 17/10/2018Placement of B.E. (Chemical) 4th Year Batch 2018-19 (Dated 15.10.2018)
15. 30/09/2018Massive Cleanliness and Tree Plantation Drive held at Dr. SSB University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Panjab University
16. 07/09/2018GIRLS CRICKET
17. 07/09/2018SCIENCE QUIZ
18. 07/09/2018APTITUDE QUIZ
19. 07/09/2018TUG OF WAR
20. 07/09/2018Schedule for the Induction Progreanme for fresher 2018
21. 07/09/2018Placement of B.E. (Food Technology) 4th Year Batch 2017-18
22. 07/09/2018Placement of B.E. (Chemical)-MBA 5th Year Batch 2017-18
23. 07/09/2018Placement of B.E. (Chemical) 4th Year Batch 2017-18
24. 07/09/2018Tree Plantation Drive
25. 06/09/2018Induction Programme 2018 for 1st year students
26. 07/04/2016National Workshop entitled UV-vis, FTIR, XRD, FE-SEM and TEM Techniques
27. 05/04/2016Invitation for Workshop on Skills for Participatory Rural Development

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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